How To Overcome Depression

Depression is a disability that affects 350 million people around the world. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 million people commit suicide each year. Studies indicate that depression is found more common in females than in males. The first step in treating depression is to identify the causes such as found in the home environment, poor relationships or work and family issues. Behavioral therapy and medication can produce good outcomes.


Studies have found that physical activity releases the hormone Dopamine, which can improve the mood. Exercise also improves self-esteem, energy levels and normalizes body weight. If you’re experiencing feelings of sadness that won’t go away, develop a new exercise program. It will only take a few weeks to get used to the new routine. Write down your fitness goal that you want to achieve within the next three months. A great way to get started with an exercise program is to include your family. Family gatherings are a great way to take brisk walks, play sports or go cycling.

There are basically four types of exercise categories that include strength, balance, endurance and flexibility. Endurance exercises include yard work, walking or dancing. These exercises keep your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy. They are also activities where you can gradually increase your breathing and heart rate. Strength exercises increase your muscle mass and make them grow stronger. Even a small increase in your stream can make a difference in everyday activities.

Climbing stairs and carrying a bag of groceries will become easier. Examples of strength training exercises include lifting weights and resistance training. Resistance training uses your body weight for resistance instead of dumbbells. Balance exercises help to improve your sense of balance and include standing on one foot while you hold on to the back of the chair. Flexibility exercises help your body stay limber. Yoga is a perfect example of flexibility exercises.

Diet and Nutrition

The food you eat on a daily basis has a lot to do with your energy level. Even though you know you should be eating fresh fruits and vegetables, it’s not always easy to do. Learn everything you can about nutrition and how it affects the body and mind. There are variety of websites found online that will help you. A balanced diet should include protein, carbohydrates and a small amount of fat. Write down everything you eat in a food diary so you can track your calories. It’s important that you don’t make your diet too strict that you want to quit. Keep in mind that you can still eat healthy even at a restaurant.

Depression can affect your entire family, friends and coworkers. It’s normal to feel sad from time to time, but it should go away after a few days. If you suspect that you are severely depressed, then you should seek help. There are depression treatment centers located throughout the country. If diet and exercise don’t make you feel better, then it’s time to call your doctor.

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